Monday 31 January 2011

My top 11 tips for health in 2011

This is quite simply my list of the top 11 tips or things you should be doing for a healthy 2011

1 - Water
Drink it, Drink some more, Drink it again.  So many people don’t drink enough water therefore there are a lot of people out there who are dehydrated.  It helps to flush out toxins and with weight loss. If someone is dehydrated the body can confuse it for hunger.

Tip- Have a pint/bottle on your desk at work and drink one in the morning, afternoon and evening

2 - Eggs
If you trying to lose weight these are a great addition to your diet. Studies have proven by just adding eggs to your breakfast will help you lose weight. There high in protein so fill you up for longer and the yolk which some like to leave out has good cholesterol which can help lower your own.

Tip - Keep the yolks there good for you

3 - Nutritional Goodness
When I say nutritional goodness what I'm referring to is try to look for the goodness in everything you eat.
Try and look past the obvious just because a snack bar says its 97 calories and has 0% fat doesn’t mean it’s good for you. A banana may be the same amount calorie wish but it contains magnesium, potassium as well as vitamins B6 & C. Another one is ready meals which are loaded with extra sugar, salt and fat to add flavour so try your best to cook from scratch.

Tip - If you really can’t resist that chocolate bar then at least pick one that has some goodness such as nuts in it.

4 - Exercise
Sounds obvious yeah but too many of us make the same excuses not enough time before work too tired after. Even doing 15 minutes a day is better than nothing and do it to the max. If you can do a high intensity work out in 15 minutes it can be just as beneficially as doing a slow one for an hour. Get that heart rate up really burns calories and not just while you’re doing the exercise the effect can last for hours after.

Tip - Instead of jogging trying sprinting just do 30 seconds sprint 30 seconds walk

5 - Laver bread
For those of you who don’t know laver bread is a delicacy from Wales that is seaweed. It is highly nutritious because of its high proportions of protein, iron, and especially iodine. It also contains high levels of vitamins B2, A, D and C plus no carbs.

Tip - It’s normally fried up with bacon and cockles but you can make patties using rolled oats and fry for a very healthy breakfast.

6 – Venison
For those of you who enjoy your red meat consider switching to venison it’s a leaner cut of meat with less fat and calories. Personally I find it a really nice tasting meat and the fact it’s healthier is a bonus.

Tip – Swap your favourites such as sausages and burgers for a venison version, the burgers are lovely

7 - Nuts & seeds
There’s so much goodness over the various varieties of nuts and seeds a lot of people are put off by the high calories but you really should look past that because the health benefits are great. Just 3 Brazil nuts a day gives you your recommended daily allowance of selenium which helps to fight cancer.

Tip - Don’t get them coated or salted you have to go natural

8 - Variety
You need variety in both your food and workout routines. If you’re dieting people can get disheartened and food choices can become boring. The same goes for workouts but also muscles become use to exercises and you need to keep challenging them to make gains.

Tip - Re-tweak classics, chicken and mushroom soup I recently re-tweaked by making a chicken and shitake mushroom soup which was more of a Thai style broth all the original goodness but with extra Thai flavour

9 - Rest
People seem to really underestimate the importance of rest that doesn’t mean you can sit on your back side all the time. I’m trying to emphasise the importance of sleep try to get at least 7-8 hours I know that probably sounds a lot to some of you but it will help with your overall well being. Also people can over train if you’re really struggling or not feeling it take a day off and recharge then hit the gym/workout hard the next day.

Tip – If you struggle to sleep try having a couple of drops of St John’s wart before you go to bed for a natural remedy that I use myself, it does help.

10 - Green Tea
You must of all heard by now how good green tea is for why aren’t you drinking it. I know some don’t like the taste but you can now get a range of flavoured ones or just add half a teaspoon of honey to sweeten. These mugs of tea are packed with antioxidants and are also proven to aid weight loss so give it a try.

Tip - Use for in a cold remedy add a slice of lemon as citric fruit helps to absorb more antioxidants, slice ginger and teaspoon of honey.

11 - Small Changes
Make consistent small changes to the way you eat. Simple things like swapping you tomato sauce for tomato chutney or if you have to have ketchup go organic. This goes back to make those nutritional choices. I've seen people smother mash potatoes with ketchup. Most sauces are based around sugar so try to scrap them use pesto’s, hummus even make you own mayo. Break those old and bad habits such as snacking as soon as you come in from work or eating while you’re sat at a computer.

Tip - Sit down at the dinner table to have your evening meal you'll eat less and it’s good for the whole family. If your cutting calories swap the size of your plates use smaller ones.

That’s for now hope you’ve found some helpful points.

Take care

Tuesday 18 January 2011

It’s that time of year again…

Where every man and his dog are on diets, trying to get back into shape and generally improve their health.
Generally I don’t follow this trend as throughout the year I exercise regularly and eat well (baring one or two days a week). Well maybe just a little extra running to shave off the booze and turkey.
However this year has been different
For the first time I’m joining the masses to get myself back into shape. You see before Christmas I had a bad ankle sprain way back at the start of November.
As I write this I’ve just realised that the last couple of days are the first ones I have had with no twinges since injuring myself.
So I hadn’t done any sort of training or exercise over a 2 month period until the 2nd January.
Now if I’m honest I could have done some upper body work outs but I have to admit the injury allowed me an excuse to slip in to a lazy period. The dark days and cold weather (SAD effect) probably helped me adopt this new approach a lot easier.
Anyway as some of you may have noticed Christmas was also upon us so I did indulge a little.
I very rarely weigh myself as I’m not too concerned about my weight generally I just look at my physique and I can tell if I’m putting on a few pounds. Yes I did start to notice my shape change come the end of the xmas period so I’m jumping on to the same bandwagon as everyone else.
Back in the groove
So first step back in the gym, nice simple circuit
• Warm up
• 10 clap press ups
• 10 leg presses
• 10 chest presses
• 30 second plank on gym balls
• 10 pull ups
• 10 dips
• 10 chin ups
• 10 floor leg raises
• 10 lat pull downs
• 10 Seated Leg Curls
Do the full set 3 times through excluding the warm up.
Then finish with a 500m row as fast as we can. Done, dusted, tired
In all honesty we may not be able to complete the 10 reps of every exercise but that’s our aim.
I generally don’t do the diet thing but I’ll will be cutting back on the alcohol and fatty foods. At the same time upping my intake of veg, eggs, water and green tea.
Let’s get going.